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The World Today Doesn't Make Sense,
So Why Should I  Knit Clothes That Do

My current working project for my Master degree in simple terms is clothing without judgement. Something I feel very strongly about is the fact the gender  categorisation of clothing is an outdated system that doesn't reflect the society we live in today, however research shows the term unisex is off putting for men to shop from through fear of social rejection and no longer truly represents the gender neutral clothing from the 60's when unisex first came around.


Therefore my project is avant-garde, androgynous clothing based upon Picasso's artwork and his themes of hidden identity represented through the cubism style of art, to create adjustable clothing free from labels.

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Research and Inspiration

The main point of my research was to exploring the different phases of Picasso artwork and deciding the cubism serialism  was the area I would focus on. From this I then needed to find the best colour pallet that reflects both the artwork and my research into which colours are accepted best by both genders. 


Sustainability and Yarns

As a slow fashion single person brand with everything being hand made or locally knitted I am already being sustainable in my processes, Furthermore to reduce waste I will be toiling all my garments half scale and using as much dead stock yarn as possible all sourced within England.

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My sampling process within this project was split into to, one way being that I drew my own images inspired by cubism and them translated them into jacquards. The second thing I did was to develop knits on the dubied machine and then translated them into power knit shima programmes.


Design Development

Reflection on what is working and what needs to be changed is an important part of the design process and then visualising these designs as CAD technical drawings before starting the making process.

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Line Up Drafts

Beginning to realise my samples and ideas into fashion illustrations and checking everything works together as a collection.


Making Garments

This is the start of my making process for 2/3 full sized looks. What is shown here is my half scale toiles made to be more sustainable in my toiling process.

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